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Information sharing and political polarisation on social media: The role of falsehood and partisanship

Jun 23rd, 2023 | By

Abstract We explore if misinformation from political elites (i.e., members of the US Congress) and extreme partisan information from media outlets generate greater engagement than accurate information and non-extreme partisan information. We also investigate how exposure to these information types leads to negative emotions (e.g., anger) in individuals and its association with attitude polarisation. To
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Pickled eggs: Generative AI as research assistant or co?author?

Jun 13th, 2023 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

A typology of multi?platform integration strategies

Jun 6th, 2023 | By

Abstract Big Tech companies such as Alphabet (Google), Apple, Meta (Facebook), Alibaba, and Tencent have repeatedly demonstrated their capability to integrate multiple digital platforms successfully. However, the graspĀ of how multi-platform integration strategies are articulated and the potential benefits they bring forth remains limited. Previous research has predominantly focused on launch, growth, and competition strategies for
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Building professional holding environments for crowd work job crafting through online communities

Jun 4th, 2023 | By

Abstract Work is increasingly being organised via online platforms outside guiding organisational structures. Instead of having colleagues at work, crowd workers connect in online communities. We investigate how crowd workers build professional holding environments in online communities to compensate for the lack of organisational structures and we consider how they craft their crowd work activities
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Mitigating information asymmetry to acquire venture capital financing for digital startups in China: The role of weak and strong signals

Jun 3rd, 2023 | By

Abstract This paper addresses how weak and strong signals affect venture capital funding acquired by digital startups at their early stage in various industries of China. We also articulate the interaction mechanism of these strong and weak signals by demonstrating their complementary or substitutive effects in alleviating information asymmetry on startup quality, which can help
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The spillover effects of online tourism platforms on sustainable development

May 24th, 2023 | By

Abstract In recent years, the proliferation of self-established and third-party online tourism platforms has impacted the visitor economy and social welfare sustainably. Tourism enterprises face the key decision of whether to join third-party platforms or sell tourism services/products directly to consumers. Some researchers have addressed issues about online tourism platforms, but none analyse the internal
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Peering through the lens of high?reliability theory: A competencies driven security culture model of high?reliability organisations

May 18th, 2023 | By

Abstract To improve organisational safety and enhance security efficiency, organisations seek to establish a culture of security that provides a foundation for how employees should approach security. There are several frameworks and models that provide a set of requirements for forming security cultures; however, for many organisations, the requirements of the frameworks are difficult to
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Satisfaction or gratitude? Exploring the disparate effects of physicians’ knowledge sharing on patients’ service evaluation in online medical consultations

May 6th, 2023 | By

Abstract The influence of physicians’ knowledge sharing on patient satisfaction in online medical consultations (OMCs) has received extensive attention in recent years. However, patient gratitude in OMCs, another crucial outcome for physicians’ knowledge sharing, has largely been overlooked. To address this gap, this study attempts to distinguish patient satisfaction from gratitude in OMCs and elucidate
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Theorising moderation in the configurational approach: A guide for identifying and interpreting moderating influences in QCA

Apr 24th, 2023 | By

Abstract Given the multifaceted nature of digital phenomena, theorising has shifted from the correlational view toward the configurational approach, which embraces equifinality and seeks to identify conjunctural causal conditions culminating in a given outcome. Despite growing scholarly interest in the configurational approach, little is known about how moderation functions in conjunctural causation. Although there is
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Sustaining complementor engagement in digital platform ecosystems: Antecedents, behaviours and engagement trajectories

Apr 23rd, 2023 | By

Abstract Digital platform ecosystems increasingly dominate the enterprise software domain, and the persistence of platforms depends on the sustained engagement of complementors. However, there is a limited understanding of its antecedents, complementors’ evaluation of antecedents and the manifestations and dynamic changes of complementors’ engagement. Therefore, we investigate complementors’ engagement within platform ecosystems over time. We
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