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Workarounds as generative mechanisms for bottom?up process innovation—Insights from a multiple case study

Apr 23rd, 2023 | By

Abstract Workarounds are goal-driven deviations from the standard operating procedures performed to overcome obstacles constraining day-to-day work. Despite starting as temporary fixes, they can become established across an organisation and trigger the innovation of processes and IT artefacts that can resolve misfits permanently. Although prior research has elicited antecedents and types of workarounds, it is
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The importance of theory at the Information Systems Journal

Apr 13th, 2023 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Digital sustainable business models: Using digital technology to integrate ecological sustainability into the core of business models

Apr 3rd, 2023 | By

Abstract When presented with the latest statistics on global warming, it becomes evident that ecological sustainability will be equally important as economic sustainability for companies. A new wave of start-ups shows that ecological sustainability can be integral to a business model (BM) without compromising economic success. Like start-ups that designed their BMs to be ecologically
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Control enactment in context: Understanding the interaction of controlee and controller perceptions in inter?organisational project teams

Mar 19th, 2023 | By

Abstract Control is necessary for aligning the actions of management (i.e., controllers) and subordinates (i.e., controlees) around common goals. The enactment of control often fails in practice; however, as controlee perceptions may not match those of controllers, leading to a myriad of possible outcomes. Through an interpretive case study of two inter-organisational IT projects, we
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A method for resolving organisation?enterprise system misfits: An action research study in a pluralistic organisation

Mar 4th, 2023 | By

Abstract Although off-the-shelf enterprise systems (ES) have been widely adopted in organisations, the extant literature repeatedly documents ES failures caused by misfits between organisational processes and the ES. Although some misfits can be identified early in the ES lifecycle, others emerge in the onward and upward phase (i.e., after the implementation) and, hence, must be
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Digital development: Stories of hope from health and social development By Sundeep Sahay, Arunima Mukherjee, Geoff Walsham, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Warwickshire: Practical Action Publishing. 2022, 164 pp., paperback £23.95. ISBN 978?1?78853?206?8

Feb 27th, 2023 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Navigating digital transformation through an information quality strategy: Evidence from a military organisation

Feb 16th, 2023 | By

Abstract The use of digital technologies for extracting information from various data sources can help organisations to reduce uncertainty and improve decision-making. The increasing availability in volume, velocity, and variety of data, however, can give rise to significant risks and challenges in ensuring a high level of information quality (IQ). Pre-digital organisations can be particularly
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Improving scale adaptation practices in information systems research: Development and validation of a cognitive validity assessment method

Feb 11th, 2023 | By

Abstract Scale adaptation, where authors alter the wording of an already published scale, is a deeply rooted social practice in IS research. This paper argues that the time is ripe to question this activity as well as the beliefs that have progressively formed around it. We identify and challenge five fallacious scale adaptation beliefs that
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How technostressors influence job and family satisfaction: Exploring the role of work–family conflict

Feb 7th, 2023 | By

Abstract Recent developments in information and communication technology have blurred the line between the workplace and the home. This can have a negative influence on employees’ well-being and thus has gained increasing attention from academics and practitioners. In this study, we developed a research model based on the transactional perspective of stress and the challenge–hindrance
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Dynamics of control on digital platforms

Jan 22nd, 2023 | By

Abstract Digital platforms are supraorganizational entities that use digital technology to facilitate interactions between diverse actors, leading to novel forms of organisation and accompanying forms of control. The current Information Systems (IS) literature, however, struggles to describe control on digital platforms in a way that does justice to the dynamic character of the phenomenon. Taking
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