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Explaining online conspiracy theory radicalization: A second?order affordance for identity?driven escalation

Jan 17th, 2023 | By

Abstract From #Pizzagate to anti-vaxxers, passing by 9/11 or Obama ‘birthers’, we have seen many communities growing on social media around conspiracy theories and thereby gaining public prominence. Debunking or presenting alternative views to conspiracy theories often fails because individuals within these communities can grow more resolute, encouraging and reinforcing their beliefs online. Instead of
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Befriended to polarise? The impact of friend identity on review polarisation—A quasi?experiment

Jan 10th, 2023 | By

Abstract Opinion polarisation in social media has recently become a significant issue. The existing literature mainly attributes polarisation to online friends’ informational social influence, that is, users are more likely to interact with others with similar opinions, which leads to the echo chamber effect. However, the impact of social interaction on individual polarisation may also
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The effects of knowledge mechanisms on employees’ information security threat construal

Jan 10th, 2023 | By

Abstract Organisations implement a variety of knowledge mechanisms such as information security education, training and awareness (SETA) programs and information security policies, to influence employees’ secure behaviour. Despite increased efforts to provide information systems (IS) security knowledge to employees, data breaches and other security incidents resulting from insider behaviour continue. Recent IS security research, primarily
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Social positioning matters: A socialized affordance perspective of mHealth in India

Jan 7th, 2023 | By

Abstract Existing research on technology affordance rarely considers the role of social structures in shaping the interaction between human actors and technology. In this paper, we draw upon the concept of social positioning to explore how socialized affordances of technology adoption, as well as their impact in work and social life, are shaped by the
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ISJ editorial: Addressing the implications of recent developments in journal impact factors

Jan 5th, 2023 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Putting humans back in the loop: An affordance conceptualization of the 4th industrial revolution

Dec 27th, 2022 | By

Abstract The current technology epoch—sometimes called the fourth industrial revolution (4IR)—involves the innovative application of rapidly advancing digital technologies such as artificial intelligence. Societal implications of the 4IR are significant and wide-ranging, from life-saving drug development to privacy loss and app addiction. A review of the information systems literature, however, reveals a narrow focus on
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Managing artificial intelligence projects: Key insights from an AI consulting firm

Dec 23rd, 2022 | By

Abstract While organisations are increasingly interested in artificial intelligence (AI), many AI projects encounter significant issues or even fail. To gain a deeper understanding of the issues that arise during these projects and the practices that contribute to addressing them, we study the case of Consult, a North American AI consulting firm that helps organisations
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The role of system?use practices for sustaining motivation in crowdsourcing: A technology?in?practice perspective

Dec 21st, 2022 | By

Abstract The success of crowdsourcing (CS) systems depends on sustained participation, which is an ongoing challenge for the majority of CS providers. Unfortunately, participants are frequently demotivated by technical difficulties and the incorrect use of CS systems, which can result in CS failure. Although the literature generally assumes that sustained participation in CS is determined
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Employee responses to information security related stress: Coping and violation intention

Dec 9th, 2022 | By

Abstract Studies on employee responses to the information security policy (ISP) demands to show that employees who experience stress over the demands would resort to emotion-focused coping to alleviate the stress and subsequently violate the ISP. However, their intent to engage in problem-focused coping to meet the ISP demands and possibly reduce ISP violations has
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Integrating truth bias and elaboration likelihood to understand how political polarisation impacts disinformation engagement on social media

Nov 28th, 2022 | By

Abstract Political polarisation has become an increasingly alarming issue in society, exacerbated by the widespread use of social media and the development of filter bubbles among social media users. This environment has left users susceptible to disinformation, especially those with whom a user is politically aligned. In this research, we integrate truth bias, elaboration likelihood
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