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The antecedents and consequences of intergroup affective polarisation on social media

Nov 21st, 2022 | By

Abstract Social media platforms enable like-minded users to form online groups, interact and thereby contribute to ideological polarisation. However, online groups also polarise along a continuum of liking or affect for their group compared to other groups. We explore affective polarisation on social media and its implications for online intergroup interaction. Using social identity theory,
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LEO Remembered – By the People Who Worked on the World’s First Business Computer, second edition. Edited by Hilary Caminer and Lisa?Jane McGerty. ISBN 978?1?3999?3359?9. Copies Available from the LEO Computers Society leoremembered@leo?

Nov 16th, 2022 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Review of “LEO remembered—By the people who worked on the world’s first business computer”. Edited by Hilary Caminer and Lisa?Jane McGerty. ISBN: 978?1?3999?3359?9

Nov 15th, 2022 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

The emergence of smart service ecosystems—The role of socio?technical antecedents and affordances

Oct 27th, 2022 | By

Abstract As physical products are increasingly augmented with digital technology, manufacturing firms have become part of the development of so-called smart products and smart services. As such, manufacturing firms are challenged by new market participants and ecosystem partners, particularly from the software development industry, and by the dynamic nature of business relationships. While the academic
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Can support by digital technologies stimulate intrapreneurial behaviour? The moderating role of management support for innovation and intrapreneurial self?efficacy

Oct 25th, 2022 | By

Abstract Drawing on theorising on digital technologies as external enablers of entrepreneurial activities and an interactionist perspective on corporate entrepreneurship, this article examines the relationship between digital technology support and employee intrapreneurial behaviour. We propose that management support for innovation as an organisational characteristic and intrapreneurial self-efficacy as an individual characteristic moderate this relationship. Findings
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Investigating the nonlinear and conditional effects of trust—The new role of institutional contexts in online repurchase

Oct 22nd, 2022 | By

Abstract Trust is paramount to developing and maintaining long-term relationships in all stages of the customer lifecycle, including the repurchase stage. This research goes beyond the simple finding documented in the extant trust literature that the effect of trust will diminish. It sheds light on the role of institutional contexts and develops a nuanced understanding
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Impact and implications for practice

Oct 8th, 2022 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Impact and implications for practise

Sep 24th, 2022 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Aligning the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) counterfactual approach with the practice of retroduction: Some preliminary insights

Sep 19th, 2022 | By

Abstract This study offers fresh ontological insights by examining generative causality through the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) counterfactual lens, in conjunction with Critical Realism and the practice of retroduction. Specifically, it claims that Information Systems (IS) researchers could retroduce generative mechanisms by leveraging the QCA counterfactual approach to causation because retroduction is about conjecturing hypothetical
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Input control and its signalling effects for complementors’ intention to join digital platforms

Aug 24th, 2022 | By

Abstract Existing information systems (IS) research on platform control has largely focused on examining how input control (i.e., the mechanisms used to control platform access) affects complementors’ intentions and behaviours after their decision to join a digital platform. Yet, our understanding of how input control is perceived before this decision and how such perceptions influence
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