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Managing paradoxes in bi?modal information technology functions: A multi?case study

May 25th, 2022 | By

Abstract Leveraging digital technologies is a major concern for companies and has significant implications for their information technology (IT) functions. In many cases, a bi-modal IT function is established: a ‘traditional IT’ mode focusing on the stability and exploitation of existing IT resources and an ‘agile IT’ mode focusing on exploring new technologies. Whereas previous
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Algorithms as co?workers: Human algorithm role interactions in algorithmic work

May 8th, 2022 | By

Abstract In algorithmic work, algorithms execute operational and management tasks such as work allocation, task tracking and performance evaluation. Humans and algorithms interact with one another to accomplish work so that the algorithm takes on the role of a co-worker. Human–algorithm interactions are characterised by problematic issues such as absence of mutually co-constructed dialogue, lack
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The strategic options of fintech platforms: An overview and research agenda

Apr 30th, 2022 | By

Abstract The failure rate of fintech platforms is disproportionately high, which may be because (1) there is a lack of published knowledge on the appropriate strategies to adopt and/or (2) the traditional prescriptions for strategy may be less relevant in the context of fintech platforms. To ascertain either or both of these possibilities, we conducted
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Replication of design theories: Reflections on function, outcome, and impact

Apr 23rd, 2022 | By

Abstract The replication of existing research studies and theories is considered a foundational pillar of knowledge accumulation and an important instrument of discourse across research disciplines. Although replication has a long tradition in natural and behavioural science research, the design science research (DSR) community is yet to adopt it, especially the replication of design theories.
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The multidimensional nature of privacy risks: Conceptualisation, measurement and implications for digital services

Apr 21st, 2022 | By

Abstract While today consumers benefit from personalised service offerings, they are also understandably concerned about the privacy risks generated by disclosing their personal information online. We know that such perceived risks in general shape behaviour, but we know little about what specific privacy risks obstruct the use of digital services, making it difficult to implement
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Do scholarly journals have cultural values?

Apr 11th, 2022 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Game affordance, gamer orientation, and in?game purchases: A hedonic–instrumental framework

Apr 1st, 2022 | By

Abstract Despite extensive research on user behaviours in free-to-play games, what motivates users to purchase in-game items is still not well understood. We classify game affordances, gamer orientations, and in-game items into two dimensions according to the instrumental–hedonic dichotomy. Utilising the affordance theory, we propose that the fit between game affordances and gamer orientation determines
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Comparing low sensory enabling (LSE) and high sensory enabling (HSE) virtual product presentation modes in e?commerce

Mar 14th, 2022 | By

Abstract Online shops have become increasingly interactive, using different technologies to create virtual experiences that attempt to simulate a realistic product experience. We explore the impact of high sensory enabling (HSE) virtual product presentation modes using state-of-the-art virtual reality (VR) technology that allows consumers to imitate natural movement and interactions via head-mounted displays (HMD) and
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Familiarity with digital twin totality: Exploring the relation and perception of affordances through a Heideggerian perspective

Mar 10th, 2022 | By

Abstract The concept of affordances has become central in information systems literature. However, existing perspectives fall short in providing details on the relational aspect of affordances, which can influence actors’ perception of them. To increase granularity and specificity in this regard, researchers have suggested that it be supplemented with other concepts or theories. In this
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Responsible innovation with digital platforms: Cases in India and Canada

Mar 4th, 2022 | By

Abstract Marginalized communities globally encounter grand challenges such as lack of access to education, healthcare, and sustained livelihoods. Several initiatives to address these complex, global problems have resulted in fragmented solutions. Recognizing this, there have been several calls for the study of responsible innovation (RI) to address grand challenges. Digital platforms such as AirBnB, Uber
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