Special issue: Digital platforms for development
Oct 19th, 2021 | By ISJ-EditorsInformation Systems Journal, Volume 31, Issue 6, Page 863-868, November 2021. Source
Information Systems Journal, Volume 31, Issue 6, Page 863-868, November 2021. Source
Abstract Despite significant information technology (IT) implementations in public administrations of developing countries to change their dysfunctional traditional practices towards modern forms, the outcomes are typically disappointing relative to the potential of IT for organizational change. With a case study of the customs clearance process when importing goods through Ghana’s main port, the Tema Harbour,
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Abstract Algorithmic fairness (AF) has been framed as a newly emerging technology that mitigates systemic discrimination in automated decision-making, providing opportunities to improve fairness in information systems (IS). However, based on a state-of-the-art literature review, we argue that fairness is an inherently social concept and that technologies for AF should therefore be approached through a
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Abstract Organisations across many industries are increasing the use of evidence-based approaches to decision-making through adoption of business analytics. Creative processes and decisions are an area of organisational decision-making which has traditionally been highly intuition-based, and where professional culture and practices are often very different from the engineering disciplines from which data-driven decision approaches originate.
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Abstract China is one of the largest and fastest-growing markets for live streaming, and the purchase of virtual gifts in live streaming is the core for streamers and live streaming platforms in China to survive and thrive. Compared to western countries, live streaming in China highlights the lively social atmosphere and heated social interactions among
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Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source
Abstract Most information systems (IS) research takes for granted that consumers’ adoption and the use of mobile payment (MP) applications are motivated by generic factors such as perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Challenging this assumption, we argue that the salient contextual characteristics of MP applications compel a reconsideration and problematization of research on
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Abstract The opinions and behaviours of others are recognised as powerful mechanisms for social influence in the digital sphere. The former, often referred to as electronic word of mouth (eWOM), is a thoroughly researched topic in the Information Systems literature. Conversely, the digital display of users’ behaviours (e.g., number of past purchases) is less well
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Abstract Action research (AR) involves one or more researchers and a client organisation. Many guidelines for and reports of the research method have been published. However, the ethical issues associated with AR have been largely neglected. Our review of the AR literature found that ethical dilemmas and their resolution are rarely and inconsistently reported. Stimulated
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Abstract Virtual teams face the unique challenge of coordinating their knowledge work across time, space, and people. Information technologies, and digital artefacts in particular, are essential to supporting coordination in highly dispersed teams, yet the extant literature is limited in explaining how such teams produce and reproduce digital artefacts for coordination. This paper describes a
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