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Digital identity as a platform for improving refugee management

Jun 16th, 2021 | By

Abstract Digital platforms are restructuring how many companies and industries function, including humanitarian organisations that operate in complex environments and serve vulnerable populations. To date, however, there has been limited study of their use in humanitarian and particularly refugee contexts. This paper seeks to address this gap by drawing on the concept of platformisation to
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A framework for applying ethics?by?design to decision support systems for emergency management

Jun 12th, 2021 | By

Abstract The development and utilisation of new information and communication technologies presents opportunities and risks, which bring ethical issues to the forefront. Any attempt to minimise the potential negative consequences to individuals, organisations and society resulting from the use of these technologies is challenging. In order to address these challenges, this paper presents an ethics-by-design
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Degenerative outcomes of digital identity platforms for development

Jun 8th, 2021 | By

Abstract Digital identity platforms are widely regarded as important means to improve social protection systems. Yet these platforms have been implicated in the production of a range of unintended outcomes for development beneficiaries. To clarify how digital identity platforms enable the production of one such outcome that we call degenerative, because it causes target systems
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Special issue: Indigenous theory

Jun 4th, 2021 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Social innovations and the fight against poverty: An analysis of India’s first prosocial P2P lending platform

May 8th, 2021 | By

Abstract Prosocial P2P lending platforms are a novel and powerful example of a digital social innovation (DSI) in which the operating model relies primarily on digital technologies and the overarching focus is on the “social” aspect of the innovation. These platforms establish a virtual connection between low?income individuals and lenders, helping the former access loans
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Breaking or keeping the habits: exploring the role of legacy habits in the process of discontinuing organisational information systems

May 1st, 2021 | By

Abstract Users develop habits in relation to information systems (IS) to reduce the cognitive and behavioural efforts needed for using them. However, when these systems have to be discontinued, users face challenges regarding how to stop relying on their legacy habits. Despite their importance, we know little about how legacy habits shape the way users
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Black Lives Matter: A perspective from three Black information systems scholars

Apr 23rd, 2021 | By

Abstract Professional computing organisations, including the ACM, IEEE and INFORMS published statements supporting Black Lives Matter during the 2020 racial unrest in the United States. While the voices of these professional organisations are echoed from positions of power, the concerns of Black IS professors are silenced. In this opinion piece, we centre on the voices
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Prosocial rule breaking on health information security at healthcare organisations in South Korea

Mar 31st, 2021 | By

Abstract Regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), establish standards to protect patients’ medical records from security breaches. Insiders’ prosocial misbehaviour within healthcare organisations can cause significant damage to relevant stakeholders. Such behaviour without malicious intention needs to be better understood and carefully managed from the perspective of prosocial behaviour. For
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Information technology as a resource to counter domestic sex trafficking in the United States

Mar 29th, 2021 | By

Abstract Globally, millions of individuals are victims of sex trafficking and are compelled to perform sexual acts through force, fraud, or coercion. Law enforcement agencies, non?profit organisations, and social entrepreneurs increasingly are using information technology as a resource to locate, identify, and rescue victims and find, arrest, and convict traffickers. In this qualitative case study,
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Making the world a better place with fintech research

Mar 16th, 2021 | By

Abstract Financial technology (fintech) is seen as possessing significant potential to provide the poor access to financial services and help them escape the clutches of poverty. Surprisingly, Information Systems (IS) research has engaged little with fintech’s promise of fostering financial inclusion for the poor. In the spirit of ‘making a better world with ICTs’, conducting
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