The associate editor and senior editor roles in premier IS journals
Mar 12th, 2021 | By ISJ-EditorsInformation Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source
Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source
Abstract Initial research on using crowdsourcing as a collaborative method for helping individuals identify phishing messages has shown promising results. However, the vast majority of crowdsourcing research has focussed on crowdsourced system components broadly and understanding individuals’ motivation in contributing to crowdsourced systems. Little research has examined the features of crowdsourced systems that influence whether
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Abstract In globally distributed environments, gaps exist between an organisational?level decision to migrate IT?enabled tasks and the actual execution of strategy since a high?level consensus does not always specify the precise sequencing and pacing of task migration in detail. This absence of operational?level detailing can trigger status?led enactments of power. Drawing on a qualitative case
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Abstract Losing the ability to communicate inhibits social contact, creates feelings of frustration and isolation and complicates personal comfort and medical care. Progressive diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) can cause severe motor disabilities that make communication through traditional means difficult, slow, and exhausting, even with the support of augmentative
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Abstract Over the last two decades, agile software development (ASD) has garnered much attention in both research and practice. Several ASD methods and techniques have been developed and studied. In particular, researchers have provided several theoretical perspectives on ASD and contributed rich insights to the ASD practice. Still, despite calls for a more unified theoretical
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Abstract The need for inter?organisational information systems projects, which are complex undertakings often riddled with poorly understood power struggles and conflicts that hinder project success, has increased in previous decades. Through the lenses of systemic and episodic power, together with an organisational conflict model, this longitudinal, qualitative case study explores the dynamics of power and
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Abstract Conceptual models capture knowledge about domains of reality. Therefore, conceptual models and their modelling constructs should be based on theories about the world—that is, they should be grounded in ontology. Identity is fundamental to ontology and conceptual modelling because it addresses the very existence of objects and conceptual systems in general. Classification involves grouping
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Abstract Western worldviews dominate the information systems (IS) literature, accepted and taken for granted as the natural way of doing things. While diversity in terms of gender and ethnicity has been studied in the IS field, there is scant research on the experiences of Indigenous information technology (IT) professionals. This study uses narrative inquiry to
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Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source
Abstract Researchers and developers constantly seek novel ways to create engaging applications that are able to retain their users over the long term, make them desire to spend time using the application or go back to using it after a break. With this aim, video games can be an insightful source of inspiration, as they
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