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Mechanisms of power inscription into IT governance: Lessons from two national digital identity systems

Feb 3rd, 2021 | By

Abstract Establishing IT governance arrangements is a deeply political process, where relationships of power play a crucial role. While the importance of power relationships is widely acknowledged in IS literature, specific mechanisms whereby the consequences of power relationships affect IT governance arrangements are still under?researched. This study investigates the way power relationships are inscribed in
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Women entrepreneurs’ digital social innovation: Linking gender, entrepreneurship, social innovation and information systems

Jan 30th, 2021 | By

Abstract This article responds to increasing discourses on digital social innovation (DSI) from the perspectives of women entrepreneurs. Using the individual differences theory of gender and information technology (IDTGIT), this research explores how digital technology is used by women entrepreneurs to create opportunities in response to the challenges associated with individual identity, individual influences, social
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Digital platforms for development: Foundations and research agenda

Jan 30th, 2021 | By

Abstract Digital platforms hold a central position in today’s world economy and are said to offer a great potential for the economies and societies in the global South. Yet, to date, the scholarly literature on digital platforms has largely concentrated on business while their developmental implications remain understudied. In part, this is because digital platforms
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Enterprise architecture operationalization and institutional pluralism: The case of the Norwegian Hospital sector

Jan 28th, 2021 | By

Abstract Enterprise architecture (EA) is a systematic way of designing, planning, and implementing process and technology changes to address the complexity of information system (IS) landscapes. EA is operationalized when architecture visions move towards realization through concrete projects. We report a case study on the dynamics of operationalizing EA in the Norwegian hospital sector by
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Online prejudice and barriers to digital innovation: Empirical investigations of Chinese consumers

Jan 22nd, 2021 | By

Abstract China is widely considered a world leader in e?commerce. In recent years, e?commerce in China has made significant progress and gone through rounds after rounds of innovations. Technological advancements have enabled the integration of online and offline channels, allowing consumers to choose their preferred shopping channel. Thus, competition and cooperation between online and offline
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Power relations inscribed in the enactment of systems development methods

Jan 5th, 2021 | By

Abstract Issues of power are often neglected in information systems (IS) studies and under?theorised in IS research. Systems development methods (SDMs) are commonly used in the IT industry to coordinate the activities between developers and clients. The role of power in the relationship between clients and systems developers remains an important topic of research in
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Love cannot buy you money: Resource exchange on reward?based crowdfunding platforms

Jan 5th, 2021 | By

Abstract Reward?based crowdfunding platforms – in which campaigns exchange rewards for financial backing to develop a product or service – are one of the fastest?growing segments of the crowdfunding industry. We use an extension of social exchange theory (SET) called the resource theory of social exchange (RTSE) to examine resource exchanges through rewards on Kickstarter.
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A possible conceptualization of the information systems (IS) artifact: A general systems theory perspective1

Dec 30th, 2020 | By

Abstract This opinion paper addresses and contributes to the discourse on whether there is a central artifact that captures the essence of the information systems (IS) discipline. It argues that the IS discipline can, and should be, faithfully captured by an IS artifact. We offer a theoretical conception of the IS artifact by drawing upon
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Eyes wide open: The role of situational information security awareness for security?related behaviour

Dec 17th, 2020 | By

Abstract Most contemporary studies on information security focus on largely static phenomena in examining security?related behaviours. We take a more dynamic, situational and interactionist approach that proposes that security?related behaviours result from an interaction between the person and the perception of a threatening situation. We derive and define situational information security awareness based on situation
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When enough is enough: Investigating the antecedents and consequences of information security fatigue

Dec 10th, 2020 | By

Abstract Despite concerns raised by practitioners, the potential downside of the information security demands imposed by organizations on their employees has received limited scholarly attention. Our research focuses on information security fatigue (hereafter security fatigue), which is defined as a socio?emotional state experienced by an individual who is tired of and disillusioned with security policies
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