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A paradoxical perspective on technology renewal in digital transformation

Aug 19th, 2020 | By

Abstract To realize their strategic goals and maintain a competitive advantage in the digital era, organizations must periodically renew their digital platforms and infrastructures. However, knowledge about such technology renewal is scattered across diverse research streams, so insights into the process are both limited and fragmented. In this article, we consolidate insights from previous research
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Mobilising information systems scholarship for a circular economy: Review, synthesis, and directions for future research

Aug 19th, 2020 | By

Abstract One of today’s grand societal challenges is to replace the current ‘take?make?waste’ economic model with a circular economic model that allows a gradual decoupling of economic activities from the consumption of finite virgin resources. While circular economy (CE) scholars have long lauded digital technologies such as sensors, distributed ledgers, or platforms as key enablers,
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An intertwined perspective on technology and digitised individuals: Linkages, needs and outcomes

Aug 15th, 2020 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Powered by “Qinghuai”: The melding of traditional values and digital entrepreneurship in contemporary China

Aug 4th, 2020 | By

Abstract Based on three case studies of Chinese Internet start?ups, this study seeks to address the research question: “How is digital entrepreneurship enacted in China?” Our findings reveal that there was a common theme that underpinned the start?ups we studied, which we termed ‘Qinghuai’ in the language of the informants we spoke with. In this
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The effect of process tailoring on software project performance: The role of team absorptive capacity and its knowledge?based enablers

Jul 25th, 2020 | By

Abstract Software process tailoring (SPT) is a team?based and learning?intensive activity that addresses the particular dynamic characteristics of a development project. Because SPT critically influences how projects are conducted, its performance should be investigated. However, the extant literature lacks empirical evidence on how the underlying effects of SPT performance and its team?supportive factors operate and
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Social value creation through digital activism in an online health community

Jul 24th, 2020 | By

Abstract The study explores how online health communities produce social value by uniting individuals under a common purpose, to advance healthcare in post?conflict states. We selected MedicineAfrica – a digital platform known for creating social value by providing medical education in regions with under?resourced healthcare systems – and drew on multiple data collection methods. We
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QCA and the harnessing of unstructured qualitative data

Jul 8th, 2020 | By

Abstract This paper proposes qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) as a novel method to harness unstructured data sets such as publicly available reports and news articles. It shows how QCA and conventional qualitative IS research can complement each other. In particular, it demonstrates how qualitative IS research can combine typical qualitative coding techniques with a specific
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Peers matter: The moderating role of social influence on information security policy compliance

Jul 8th, 2020 | By

Abstract Information security in an organization largely depends on employee compliance with information security policy (ISP). Previous studies have mainly explored the effects of command?and?control and self?regulatory approaches on employee ISP compliance. However, how social influence at both individual and organizational levels impacts the effectiveness of these two approaches has not been adequately explored. This
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Mitigating the intrusive effects of smart home assistants by using anthropomorphic design features: A multimethod investigation

Jul 8th, 2020 | By

Abstract With the growing proliferation of smart home assistants (SHAs), digital services are increasingly pervading people’s private households. Through their intrusive features, SHAs threaten to not only increase individual users’ strain but also impair social relationships at home. However, while previous research has predominantly focused on technology features’ detrimental effects on employee strain at work,
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On tailoring and hand?me?downs

Jul 7th, 2020 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source