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Combining social media affordances for organising collective action

Jul 7th, 2020 | By

Abstract Social media provide new opportunities for supporting the dynamics of collective action (CA), allowing for the mobilisation of people into debates and involving them in new forms of collective decision making. Although current studies focus on opportunities offered by social media for collective action, there is still a need to deepen the understanding of
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Beyond ‘mobility’: A new understanding of moving with technology

Jul 7th, 2020 | By

Abstract We report a surprising experience with mobile technology: the lead author found herself seeing and acting differently while running over part of her usual running track with the exercise?tracking application ‘Strava’ on her phone, even without focal attention to the app. We apply the method of problematization to a detailed empirical account of this
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Understanding massively multiplayer online role?playing game addiction: A hedonic management perspective

Jun 11th, 2020 | By

Abstract Massively multiplayer online role?playing game (MMORPG) addiction presents a serious issue worldwide and has attracted increasing attention from academic and other public communities. This article addresses this critical issue and fills research gaps by proposing and testing a research model of MMORPG addiction. Building on the conceptual foundation of the hedonic management model of
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Constructing continuity across the organisational culture boundary in a highly virtual work environment

Jun 1st, 2020 | By

Abstract While remote work allows organisations to offer their employees flexibility and harness global talent and markets for business growth, inability to rely on physical interactions between employees imposes challenges specific to operations in highly virtual work environments. Among these characteristic issues are challenges associated with organisational socialisation and organisational culture. Accordingly, an action design
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The art of referencing

Apr 18th, 2020 | By

Information Systems Journal, EarlyView. Source

Digital transformation of business ecosystems: Evidence from the Korean pop industry

Apr 9th, 2020 | By

Abstract The notion of business ecosystems is gaining prominence among academics and practitioners. Scholars advise that business ecosystems are inherently fluid, unbounded and amorphous and thus that their boundaries can shift. Practitioners further suggest that business ecosystems are characterised by inter?network – as opposed to inter?firm – competition, and, moreover, that they are mainly driven
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The mediating influence of smartwatch identity on deep use and innovative individual performance

Apr 4th, 2020 | By

Abstract Given its personal and ubiquitous nature, the smartwatch can easily become infused into individuals’ daily lives, social roles, and relationships. This type of intertwinement of an information technology (IT) in the daily lives of individuals creates an IT identity. To understand this phenomenon in the personal IT context, this research draws from the IT
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When a growth mindset can backfire and cause escalation of commitment to a troubled information technology project

Apr 1st, 2020 | By

Abstract This research focuses on information technology (IT) project managers’ growth mindset concerning IT project management (PM) ability and investigates how such a mindset can promote escalation of commitment to a troubled IT project. Specifically, we suggest that the growth mindset of IT PM ability promotes prospective achievement motivation and can lead IT project managers
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From panopticon to heautopticon: A new form of surveillance introduced by quantified?self practices

Apr 1st, 2020 | By

Abstract In this research, we investigate whether quantified?self (QS) technologies, based on wearable technologies, enable individuals’ empowerment or lead to their disempowerment. To understand better the potential paradoxical effects of QS technologies, we adopt a critical approach by mobilising the panopticon metaphor from Foucault’s original writings and more precisely, his four core concepts, namely power,
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Social, commercial, or both? An exploratory study of the identity orientation of digital social innovations

Mar 31st, 2020 | By

Abstract The information systems literature has studied digital innovation extensively and focused primarily on its commercial related objectives. Yet, digital social innovations (DSIs) seek to solve social problems, while implementing commercially viable approaches. Drawing from the social entrepreneurship literature and using computational social science methods, we identify the peculiar utilitarian (commercial) and collectivistic (social) identity
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