Enterprise architecture operationalization and institutional pluralism: The case of the Norwegian Hospital sector

Jan 28th, 2021 | By | Category: RSS Feed


Enterprise architecture (EA) is a systematic way of designing, planning, and implementing process and technology changes to address the complexity of information system (IS) landscapes. EA is operationalized when architecture visions move towards realization through concrete projects. We report a case study on the dynamics of operationalizing EA in the Norwegian hospital sector by exploring different EA project trajectories. Our empirical context is an institutionally pluralistic setting where multiple logics coexist. We show that the distinct logic of EA is added to the institutional context and we find that tensions among existing medical, technical, and managerial logics and EA principles and assumptions emerge. We contribute to the under?researched topic of EA operationalization by suggesting a model that demonstrates how the meeting of multiple institutional logics can lead to varying degrees of differentiation or even disassociation from EA visions during decision?taking in projects. Furthermore, we advance extant research on IS projects’ implementation in institutionally pluralistic settings by providing an empirical account of actors’ interactions and project leadership arrangements that contribute to the persistence of coexisting logics in a dynamic equilibrium.


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