Mitigating information asymmetry to acquire venture capital financing for digital startups in China: The role of weak and strong signals
Jun 3rd, 2023 | By ISJ-Editors | Category: RSS FeedAbstract
This paper addresses how weak and strong signals affect venture capital funding acquired by digital startups at their early stage in various industries of China. We also articulate the interaction mechanism of these strong and weak signals by demonstrating their complementary or substitutive effects in alleviating information asymmetry on startup quality, which can help digital startups secure venture capital financing. Drawing on signalling theory and institutional legitimacy theory, we introduce application (app) downloads as a novel strong signal that can reduce market legitimacy concerns, and previous-round venture capitalist reputation as a traditional strong signal that mitigates regulatory legitimacy concerns. We treat founders’ startup and IT experience as weak signals, as they provide rhetorical and indirect information indicating a startup’s potential to establish regulatory and market legitimacy. The study empirically investigates our hypotheses using data of 163 digital startups in various industries of China. Results confirm the positive relationships between strong signals and venture capital funding secured by a digital startup. Furthermore, signals of similar strength are found to complement each other’s effects in certain situations, while strong signals can reduce the effects of weak signals on a digital startup’s financing performance under specific conditions that create these mixed effects. Implications for digital startup research and practice as well as limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.